Celebration of a Life:
for Jacqueline Lucette Maidana
Memorial Service
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19th 2021at the
Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst
121 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA
Click here for details about the Memorial Service
Jacqueline Maidana, devoted friend, neighbor, teacher, civic activist, artist, gardener, lover of nature, passed from this earth after a fierce battle with pancreatic cancer at 5:55 PM on Monday, July 26. She had been receiving paliative care at Fisher House Hospice in Amherst MA and recieved company from many of her friends who were able to travel there. Her sister, Karen Dahl, will be planning a memorial service for Jacqueline sometime in the near future.
please click here to see more information about Jacqueline and her life and condition and for more information about donating to her Go Fund Me campaign to help with her final expenses.
Farewell fund for Jacqueline Maidana: https://gofund.me/a1e601c0 ( Link to GFM DONATE)
If you prefer to Donate through PayPal, Venmo, personal check or other means, contact me at: phelpstango@optonline.net
Welcome to Phelpstango
Welcome to my web site where you can find information about Argentine Tango classes, milongas, practicas, and social tango events in the general New Haven, Connecticut, area and links to other helpful sites.
Phelpstango and Connecticut Argentine Tango Society (C.A.T.S.)
Private Classes Available: phelpstango@optonline.net
First Saturdays: CATS Milonga in New Haven March 7, 2020 CANCELED. (Stay tuned for announcements about when we can safely resume enjoying milongas again)
**Beautiful FLOOR!!

Every Sunday: MALENA: Sunday Guided Practica (4-6 PM) (except on visiting teacher workshop Sundays) Canceled until it is safe to embrace again
Tuesdays: YALE TANGO CLASSES at the Gym begin begin in January and September (Spring semester 2020 January 14 - April 14 )Canceled until it is safe to embrace again
2nd Saturdays: La Luna Milonga hosted by our good friend Mariana Fresno in Hamden https://lalunamilonga.com Canceled until it is safe to embrace again
See the CT INK Magazine interview article about the Empress of Tango
Other important links to tango opportunities in the area:
Yale Tango Club:
Tango Sueño:
Garage Dance Studio and Hartford Argentine Tango Society:
!Tango Vivo!:
Nostalgic look at CATS Special Events in 2019. Looking forward to updating our offerings once it is safe to embrace again!:
May 4 & 5, 2019: Pablo Pugliese and Noel Strazza teach Tango Intensive Workshops and perform at CATS Milonga (See video below of Pablo and Noel performing a milonga at the CATS Milonga:
July 6 & 7, 2019: Luciana Valle; www.lucianavalle.com (Outstanding internationally known teacher in Buenos Aires. We go to BsAs to study with her each year, and welcome her when she can come to work with us here.) Click for information about workshops
September 7 & 8, 2019: Guillermo Merlo: Teaching intensive Tango workshops. (Outstanding internationally known teacher from Buenos Aires, living in Boston.)
October 5, 2019: CATS 18th Anniversary Milonga with special gifts and workshops.
October 5 & 6, 2019: George and Jairelbhi Furlong (fabulous dancers and teachers who perform with Guillermo Merlo and Fernanda Ghi) teach Tango Intensive Workshops and perform at CATS Milonga. (http://www.evolutiontango.com)
November 2 & 3, 2019: Pablo Pugliese and Noel Strazza teach Tango Intensive Workshops and perform at CATS Milonga
December 7, 2019: CATS Milonga with Live Music with Los Chantas!

Erskine and Q Tango (tango music trio and dancers) teach tango musicality workshops for dancers and play live music at CATS Milonga (http://www.qtango.com) They have not been traveling in recently, but we will have them return for another spectacular round of workshops and playing live at our milonga when they are able to travel again.